This year, members from UTOPIASF & UTOPIAHawaii will join UTOPIANYC in the NYC Pride Parade Celebration. Please stayed for further details. You can also follow this event via facebook.
The United Territories Of Polynesian Islanders' Alliance (U.T.O.P.I.A) originated in San Francisco, California in March 1998. The organization was formed to provide support to the Polynesian Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender community. Originally, the group identified themselves as GPAC (Gay Polynesians Alliance/California). In February 1999, the name was changed to UTOPIA. The new name was better suited to represent the diversity of the club. UTOPIA has been a support organization for GLBT Polynesians and friends consisting of members from Samoa, Tonga, Hawaii, Tahiti and Fiji. UTOPIA hopes to strengthen its alliance by recruiting members from all of Polynesia. Update: In 2007, after years of positive community activism yet with minimal funding to keep afloat, the S.F. chapter agreed a moratorium was needed to allow members and supporters a chance to re-evaluate it's successes and failures in hopes of re-organizing in the near future with a more substantial and sustainable plan for funding. Please stay tuned for further developments.
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Know About The Gender Identity Movement
What is gender identity? Gender identity is referred to as a personal sense
of an individual’s gender. Gender identity can either be the assigned sex
at ...
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